Monday, April 13, 2009

Community Clean-Up

Wanna make our college brighter?

Hey folks! For those who missed the SPCA community service or our previous events, here's another chance! =)

It's called the community clean-up. It just like a "gotong-royong" to clean our college compounds. Because you know, nowadays, garbages won't stay in dustbins anymore.. HAHA!

These are the details of the event

Date : Wednesday, 15th April 2009
Time : 3.45 pm - 5.15 pm
Venue : TUC Main Campus

For those who want to lend their hands, please give your name to Thilagesh (017-5451986) or Anderson (016-8181233) ASAP!

We expect about 20 to 30 volunteers. Remember, the spaces are LIMITED! So please register yourself ASA-almost-impossible. [lol?]

So, pick up the brooms and start sweeping!! =D

We'll see you there! =)

P/S : Please don't dress cool-ly on that day, you know? You'll return home un-cool later.. LOL!!!